Review of Stay Safe Be Kind Resources

Better Mental Health

Review of Stay Safe Be Kind Resources

The Stay Safe Be Kind digital platform was established on City of Wolverhampton web pages during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic as a central on-line library of resources to help people look after their health and wellbeing, or access more structured mental health and wellbeing related support as the country went into the first phase of Coronavirus restrictions.

Several community groups including people with lived experiences of mental health problems were engaged to review the inclusivity and accessibility of the self-care resources available across the city. Following early engagement sessions, a series of paper-based resources informed by web content were produced and disseminated through key venues across the community as part of the Mental Health Awareness Week Campaign in May 2022.

Further work streams will continue to engage with local people, community and stakeholder groups to ensure key information on mental health promotion and access to support services is available to everyone within the city.

More information

View the Review of Stay Safe be Kind ‘Looking After Your Mental Health’ Resources Project Evaluation Report for more information.